Welcome to my commissions sheet!Please click one of the buttons below to choose what type of commission you'd like to order. Please make sure to check out my TOS before purchasing!


Thick lined and heavily hatch-shaded art of your character, in a dynamic pose. For an additional fee, I can also add watercolor and slight shading. All sketches are drawn in an angular style. (Monochrome only)



Lined art includes color, colored linework, and shading. Please specify if you would like me to draw with my angular or more rounded styles, as I default to angular!

PROPS FEE: +$10-$40


Upon purchasing a commission, you are automatically agreeing to my terms of service.

#1. You may not resell or repost commissions.
You MUST add credit if you display your commissions outside of the websites I've posted on or on your profile. Please do not repost my work to any other websites without my explicit permission. Do not upload my work to merchandise websites and/or sell them for profit, as my art is my intellectual property, regardless of subject.
#2. You may not remove my signature or watermark.
If you are interested in purchasing business rights to any of my works, please contact me and I can give you a quote for such things. However, you are NOT authorized to remove my signature/watermark under any circumstances otherwise; this counts as a violation of my intellectual property and I will refuse future commissions from you.
#3. I reserve the right to decline or cancel any commission.
If I feel uncomfortable with a user requesting a commission, if their requests violate my TOS, or if I feel there is a separate matter that makes it so I cannot complete the commission, I retain the right to refuse or cancel without explanation or continued discussion. Please keep in mind that I do not tolerate aggression or harassment from users looking to commission me.
#4. Please be concise with your commission requests.
I may refuse a commission if the subject, character, or content is not clearly described. Please make sure you know what sort of pose, specific character, backgrounds, or other add-ons you want before contacting me for a commission. Do not spam me with large numbers of character links; you must fill out a form for each character separately.
#5. I will never draw NSFW, offensive, illegal, or hateful content and will block you immediately if you request it.
DO NOT EVER ask me to draw p*rn / sexual content / fetishes / kinks / any NSFW content of any degree, any racist/culturally appropriative/insensitive art or characters, hateful/ableist art or characters, or any sort of offensive media whatsoever. Any requests for pedophilic, incestuous, zoophilic, nazi/nazi related, TERF/REG, phobic, hateful, racist, ableist, or otherwise inappropriate / offensive / illegal mediums will immediately result in a denial of service, a block, and a ban from commissioning me further. 'Proshippers' and 'anti-antis' are banned from my services by default.
#6. Refunds will not be given once commission has been started.
At the beginning portion of your commission (sketch/concept) you are only allowed to request a refund if there is a family or life crisis. If commission is past sketch point (lining, color, shading) I will not allow any refunds regardless of reason, as I will have already spent my time, effort, and energy working on art for you. You may not pull payment or file a report on PayPal because you're tired of waiting; this is an insult to my craft and to me, and will ban you from commissioning me further.
#7. Payment is upfront.
I do not do half payments, and absolutely will not accept payment after completion of the product. Large-cost commissions of more than $200 will have the option of a 50/50 payment plan, with 50% upfront and 50% afterward, if requested by user. If not explicitly requested, user MUST pay upfront.
#8. Understand my boundaries as a human being.
I, like you, am a person behind this screen. I am not perfect, and I am not an art machine capable of working 24/7 without sleep, food, a social life, personal projects, study, or breaks. Your commission is secondary to my mental and physical health, and as such, may take longer to complete. Upon commissioning me, you are acknowledging that your art will not be completed within the day, and may take up to several months depending on my life state and the complexity of your commission.
#9. Communication is important!
I am more than happy to send updates and discuss the progress of commissions! Communication from commission artist to commissionee is extremely valuable and necessary--and if you ever have a question, I'm more than happy to answer! (However, please understand that a large or animated commission will not be finished in a day or even within a week, and don't harass me when progress is slow.)
#10. Blacklist
I will not draw or accept secondhand commission requests for certain users, for my own mental and physical wellbeing. I reserve the right to refuse any commissions for these users or any characters they have created, regardless of who is asking, why, which characters, or so on and so forth. (I'll let you know ahead of time if the commission you're requesting is for or about the character of one of these users.) The reasons I have them blacklisted are private and will not be discussed.
#11. Please respect that I am a professional artist and our relationship is strictly business.
Drawing a commission of your character doesn't make us friends, partners, besties, or otherwise 'close' in any way, regardless of positive feedback or casual discussion. You are hiring me for my skills as a professional artist to draw a picture of your content, nothing more. Please respect my boundaries as a human being. Friendship takes time, work, compassion, and real, dedicated mutual effort--and is not achieved through commissioning an artist.
#12. I may use your commission as an example on this site.
Unless previously requested that a commission remain private, I may display commissioned artwork on this site as examples for the various options I have listed. If you would prefer that your commission remain private and is not listed on my site, please make sure to let me know once it's completed.
#13. I do not accept commissions or work on contracts with projects that involve, are connected to, or otherwise have anything to do with NFTs, cryptocurrencies, or other blockchain technologies.
I do not agree with or condone any sort of blockchain technology, and refuse to accept commissions or contracts that are involved with them in any way. I do not and will not ever accept cryptocurrency as payment, and if you attempt to do so you will be banned from my services. Do not contact me looking to hire me on as a blockchain/NFT/cryptocurrency artist--I am never interested and will block you.
#14. I will not draw art for certain fandoms or of specific fandom characters
These are either because I personally disagree with the creator/themes of the content or characters, or for personal reasons that I will not elaborate on.
FANDOMS: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, DreamSMP, A Hat In Time, South Park
This list will be updated as I deem necessary.
Terms of Service may be updated or edited at any time, for any reason. It is the responsibility of the buyer to be attentive of changes or updates, and to respectfully interact with the artist during questions or concerns regarding changes. Buyer assumes all liability for purchases made from the artist (spacialcube) and assumes responsibility for reviewing the TOS before purchase.Last Edited: 10/31/2023


• mecha / detailed robotics
• simple to moderate gore
• simple to moderate body horror
• minimally romantic ships
• scenes with multiple characters
• fandom characters (check TOS Rule #14)
• canon x oc ships (same as above)
• anthros / robots / monsters / humans


(please check TOS Rule #5 for specifics)• any NSFW / f*tish / etc
• any illegal or racist content
• hateful or derogatory content
• heavy gore or body horror
• drug use or implication
• alcohol use or implication
• smoking or implication
• strong romantic themes
• redraws of other artists' pieces


Please use the order form provided and contact me on the websites below.

COMMISSION TYPE: (which type of commission you want)
CHARACTER REFERENCE: (the URL of your character reference image, if applicable)
COMMISSION REQUEST: (what exactly you want me to draw--be detailed!)
STYLE: (if applicable)
EXTRAS: (any add-ons you want)


A 3D model of your character (or an object) in a retro-pixel style reminiscent of old school PS1 graphics.I am not offering animated models at the moment, but may consider offering them when I have the time.

OBJECT: $50-$100
(CHAR) SIMPLE: $100-$150
(CHAR) COMPLEX: Ask for quote
WINGS: +$50
TAILS: +$20
PROPS: +$40-$50
ARMOR: +$60-70

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via any of my linked social media accounts!

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: I will need a full front, back, and sides reference of the character, or a detailed visual explanation of what you specifically want for this model. I have a hard limit of 2 edit requests per customer so please use them wisely and make sure you have a good reference to avoid any sort of confusion in the modeling process.